He gave the little guy to me to raise. He was older, stronger, and easier to care for than some of the other babies we'd fostered. He was my constant companion, riding around on my shoulder or perched on my finger. When I was asleep or away from home, I kept him in a parakeet cage we had on hand for just such a situation. But the rest of the time he was free. I let him fly around my room. Even better, he liked to be outside. I spent hours outside with him every day. He'd hop around the garden, or sit in trees whose branches were low enough for me to reach. Gradually he started making short flights, at first taking off from my finger but later he was able to fly from my shoulder or even my head!
As he got better at flying, he'd be gone for longer periods. Sometimes I'd lose track of where he was. Yet every time I wanted him to come back, I'd call him. "Chip, Chip, Chipper!" and he'd fly back to me and land on my finger or on the ground at my feet. I'd reach my hand down and he'd hop right up. As he grew he wanted to be in the trees longer and longer. He seemed to especially enjoy the mulberries!
Soon it was time for the agonizing decision: Would it be wrong to keep him? If I let him go would he make it? I knew he was finding food and as the weeks went by he was less and less hungry for me to feed him. My parents were against keeping a wild thing in a cage, and I felt the same way. Still it was terribly hard to think about letting him go. Finally we decided he should have a chance to be free. He had such strong instincts I believed he would be alright. Since there were no blue jays in our neighborhood, we decided to take him to a nearby forest preserve nature area where we'd seen and heard blue jays before.
He took off from my finger as he had so many times before at home in our back yard. This time he seemed to sense something was different. He flew into a pine tree and sat there for a long time. He seemed to be watching us for a while. As I watched him with mixed emotions and tears in my eyes, he took off from that tree and flew away. I watched him until I couldn't see him anymore. My mom was with me. We waited, but he didn't come back. We got back in the car and drove back home.
I thought about him often in the days the followed. I wondered if he was ok. I realized I'd never know if he'd make it or not.
About two weeks later, in a tall elm outside my bedroom window, I heard the call of a blue jay for the first time since we'd let Chipper go. I thought it was odd, as we'd never heard a blue jay in our neighborhood before. That bird was out there for at least 15 minutes calling his blue jay call. And the same thing happened every morning for the rest of the summer and into the fall.
I'd go outside and look up in the tree where he was, looking very 'chipper.' He seemed to get more active when I came outside, hopping around in the branches. But he wouldn't respond to the old call that got Chipper back on my finger or down at my feet.
The following spring, the morning ritual began again. Every morning between 7 - 7:30, a blue jay would fly into an elm tree - the closest tree to my bedroom, and call his blue jay call for 10 minutes or so. Then he'd fly away and we wouldn't hear another blue jay in the neighborhood until the next morning when that solitary jay would come back to the same tree and repeat the same ritual. This happened for several years, until one spring he didn't come back.
It was once again quiet in the neighborhood at the 7:00 o'clock hour, except for the more polite sparrows, finches, cardinals, and other birds who sang their happy, but softer morning tunes. I can't prove it was, and no one can tell me it wasn't. I still believe it was Chipper coming back to say good morning and let us know he hadn't forgotten us.
AWWW!!! That's so heartwarming and heartwrenching all at the same time! I'm such a sap...
ReplyDeleteI think it was it was Chipper too! Your blog is very interesting! I love birds also.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting my blog today :)
This is such a sweet story. Of course that was chipper! We rescued a baby robin a few years ago and my daughter named him Einstein. Since then a robin has been pecking at our den window...could it be him?
ReplyDeleteCJ, My family has a few bird rescue stories, successes and one real heart breaker I might post about sometime. Get the tissues out for that one. I'm a sap too!
ReplyDeleteMarie, I'm sure it had to be him! I'm glad you think so too. Thank you for visiting! I think you have a lovely blog.
Melanie, when your daughter grows up that just might be one her fondest memories! My heart breaker bird rescue memory is of a baby robin. Robins and blue jays hold special places in my heart.
Your story of Chipper certainly brought back memories! Do you remember how he used to ride around on the head of our German Shepherd dog? I wish I had a photo of that, too. I think we were too busy to take as many photos as I wish we had. Nowadays, people seem more conscious of recording the everyday occurrences of their lives.
ReplyDeleteI remember that Mom! I remember him riding on my head too (and pooping on it too more than once.)
ReplyDeleteI know I take a lot more pictures now since digital cameras. I think it's the instant gratification of seeing the picture right away.
Chipper is definitely one of my fondest childhood memories, and I'm so glad you were able to find a picture of him!
What a sweet story. I just love blue jays. They are very smart. I bet Chipper finally had a family of his own to take care of.
ReplyDeleteLisa, that's what I always imagined too - he came to say hello in the morning then headed back home to help take care of the kids!
ReplyDeleteSo glad I clicked on this. Such a heart warming story. I love stories you know.
Glad you enjoyed it Balisha, as I've enjoyed heart-warming stories of yours too!